1. How do you use Spreadsheets?
A spreadsheet is record-keeping tool to me as a teacher. I use it to calculate students’ final grades and test scores. Moreover, when I work on a project, I also use it to calculate and analyze the data, as well as create graphics and charts I need. Spreadsheets are definitely helpful tools for math teachers, they can be used for demonstrating multiplicative relationships in elementary math and answering mathematical problems. I might use it to record the payments and bills in my daily life, or use it for any accounting reasons.
2. How do your students use Spreadsheets?
I guess the only time that students use spreadsheets is when teachers ask them to key in test scores for their class in an elementary school. But since spreadsheets’ main function is to generate numeric information and graphical representations of that information, teachers should integrated spreadsheet software into lessons and activities which can stimulate and develop students’ abilities of organizing information, describing relationships, and solving problems, especially for high graders.
3. What else would you like to do with SS - think in terms of student tools/assessment as well as teacher productivity?
I think spreadsheet software can be incorporated into social studies, science, math, and even language learning.
In addition to score-keeping, English teachers may use spreadsheets to create crosswords worksheets, word puzzles, vocabulary lists, and lesson plans.
Students may use spreadsheets to develop their data-analyzing abilities as well as rules-generating skills.
I think use spreadsheet to calculate student's
回覆刪除grade is very convenient to us as teachers.It's
can save much time to us.So I like it very much.^_^
I also use SS for my daily life -- I think it would be much more difficult to do things like balancing checkbooks, tracking spending, planning for vacations, etc.